
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Steampunk Frahnknshtyne interview

Hello Friends
Recently I had the great pleasure of meeting and speaking with Bruno Accioly, the gentleman who has created the Conselho Steampunk (the Steampunk Council) in Brazil.  His organization is wonderfully structured to host and encourage the growth of independant chapters and they are doing many exciting Steampunk activities and promoting steampunk thought and ideas.
Bruno invited me to do a Steamcast Interview over skype and that interview is now posted for anyone who would like to hear more about Frahnknshtyne and its ongoing development.  The main interview is in English and subtitled in Portuguese.  You can click on the link below for the interview or click on the post title to go to their site.
Cheers, Kevin


  1. Awesome interview! And... there is a little mistake. It´s "Conselho Steampunk", not "Conshelo Steampunk".

  2. Thanks for both the compliment and the tip on the spelling.


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