
Friday, November 26, 2010

Steampunk Boxing fight

Well, it's finally done.  It's our hero, before he dies and becomes the monster, fighting Golath, the enormous boxer who has been doping on "Aether Milk."  He's owned by one of the ultra rich and is supposedly unbeatable but our inventor KO's him with his fighting contraption. Unfortunately for him, there will be consequences.  This is the moment of triumph as the woman he loves and wishes to propose to looks on.  I've put a few of the development stages below for those who like to see the process.
Steampunk fight against Golath

Here's some of the development sketches and a close up.

Steampunk knock out of Golath close up
Rough grey layout

Quick blacks and Greys

Refine Grey scale ready for color

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Steampunk Darth Vader

Well, here's a non-sequitor for the blog.  I got asked what would Darth Vader look like in my steampunk illustration style and thought that might be a fun one day project.  It has nothing to do with the Frankenstein work but I found it fun to do none the less.  I wanted to show the tortured man trapped in the technology and wanted to reflect his rank in the detail of the helmet.  Luke is reflected in one lens.  Now back to Frankenstein.
Steampunk Darth Vader

Here's a few of the in-progress shots showing starting with the line sketch, blocking in two tone blacks and greys and then adding the shine and detail.  The color and toning layers are the final pass above.

Rough sketch

Adding two tones of grey

Refining greyscale, detail and shine

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Steampunk portrait of an Aether Kill

The painting of Lacette the Aether Assassin and owner of the Aether Rifle from an earlier post, is finally done.  It's an homage to those shots taken in Africa when a big game animal is taken down.  I've added some of the in-progress shots under the final for anyone who wants to see the process I go through building up a painting.
Lacette: Portrait of an Aether Kill
And a few close ups for the detail:

And here's the in-progress shots.  These don't include the layout roughs but focus on the act of making the painting.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Steampunk Aether Rifle ammunition

Nearly done.  Have just added the Aether round for the gun.  It's a devilish ordinance in that it has no gunpowder that propels it.  Once the scope finds you and locks you in it's sight, your very life energy, your Aether, pulls it to you like the negative lightning bolt that flies up to clouds in the nano-second before before it guides the lightning to ground.  The sound of the gun firing is like playing a gunshot in reverse.
Steampunk Aether Assasin's rifle

Steampunk Aether seeking bullet

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Steampunk Aether Rifle adding detail

The rifle is coming along.  For me and for what I'm doing with Frahnknshtyne, the visuals need to have a kind of grounded reality while delivering high fantasy and a sense of hand craft.  I'm working to steer clear of anime influenced shapes and instead am dipping deep into pre and post industrial world culture.  The background is temporary and the vignette of the ammunition isn't yet in place.  I'm toying with putting the owner of the gun, a beautiful but scarred brilliant woman turned assassin, in ghosted into the background using the rifle.